
Background: To improve productivity of automated platelet(PLT) collection, the industry has introduced new instrumentsor modifications to existing equipment. Materialsand Methods: Data obtained from 8 regular PLT apheresisdonors randomized to double- (DDC) or triple-dose PLT collection(TDC) with the BAXTER Amicus (AM), the HAEMONETICSMCS Plus (MCS+), and the GAMBRO Trima Accel (TA)were evaluated focusing on duration, citrate infusion andproduct quality, and statistically compared to data obtainedfrom the same donors during DDC on our current equipment(GAMBRO Trima V4 (TV4) and Spectra LRS-Turbo V7(SPC)). Results: All units were sufficiently leukoreduced tobelow 1 × 106 white blood cells (WBCs). Apart from statisticallysignificant lower pH values and higher CD62P expressionobserved with AM units, no differences in in vitro functionwere noted during storage. Compared to our currentequipment, the new devices had advantages for wholeblood processed, and, except for MCS+, for needle time, collectionvolume, collection rate, and collection efficiency. PLTyield and processing time were equivalent, except for TAwhich was the fastest machine. MCS+ was the slowest deviceowing to statistically significant lower draw and collectionrates which were, however, compensated by fewer citratereactions due to only moderate citrate infusion rates.Conclusion: Despite equal or better efficiencies, collectionprocedures with the new devices did not automatically increasethe number of units per day, particularly if quick donationwas counteracted by long overall performance (AM).TA was the fastest and hence offered the highest potentialto optimize productivity. MCS+ showed better donor comfort,as reflected by lower draw and citrate infusion rates,but was also the slowest.

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