
The method of preventive protection of the ship power system in abnormal situations is considered. Existing devices are shown to form a command to unload electrical power sources after an emergency situation, often resulting in a power outage on the ship. A method of unloading the network, in which the automatic formation of the command to disconnect selected power consumers in the case where at least one of the parallel working genset units is already inoperable, but the quality indicators of generated electricity is still within acceptable limits, is proposed. It is marked, that the offered approach provides forecasting of a power condition of ship electric power system in case of reduction of its generating ability. The conditions under which deloading should be carried out are formulated and presented in the form of logical expressions. It is shown that the proposed approach has a universal character, as it does not depend on the number of generating sets working in parallel, nor on the number of defective machines, nor on the type of incident. The functional scheme of the original device for preventive unloading of the ship electrical power system is presented. It is noted that practical realization of the proposed method of ship electric power network unloading allows in case of at least one of the generating units working in parallel to realize in advance the structural adaptation of system to the arisen failure and to pass in a partially nonfunctional state, bypassing an emergency situation. In this case, there is no interruption in power supply to critical consumers, ensuring the safety of ship operation.

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