
To revise the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy's professional program outcomes and create an assessment map using results from previous peer review and mapping of all professional courses and curricular streams of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs). After consolidating 15 original program outcomes into 11 more precise outcome statements, defining KSAs for each, and getting faculty approval of them, the committee detailed measurable program expectations upon graduation for each outcome and created an assessment map identifying where KSAs were taught, how they were to be assessed, and the expected ability level (novice, competent, proficient) for each across the curriculum. The committee's work identified deficits, inconsistencies, and disproportionalities in professional program assessment. It recommended assessments to capture student achievement of each outcome, identified performance levels and criteria to measure outcomes progressively in each professional year, and outlined a process to provide students periodic reports on their progress in achieving each outcome. This work establishes a firm foundation for ongoing efforts to measure effectiveness of the professional program, especially in light of Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education's (ACPE) revised accreditation standards.

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