
The main purpose of this paper is a description of the active civil servants, drawing their profile at the federal, state and municipal levels with respect to sex, age and occupation. These workers in the public sector are ruled by special laws not applicable to the other workers of the private sector. Furthermore, a comparative analysis of the three available data sources is developed. The first one are sample data and the other two, administrative data: Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicilios (PNAD) from IBGE, for the federal, state and municipal levels; Relacao Anual de Informacoes Sociais (Rais) from Ministerio do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE), for the federal, state and municipal levels; Sistema Integrado de Administracao de Pessoal (Siape) from Ministerio do Planejamento, Orcamento e Gestao (MPOG), for the federal level. The years considered were 1997, 1998 (for Rais, PNAD and Siape) and 1999 (for PNAD and Siape). After doing a comparative analysis of these different data we decided to work with data from Siape at the federal level and data from PNAD at state and municipal level. A profile of the servants at the federal, state and municipal level as well as their mean income is presented. In order to draw a profile of the servants, the classes used are teachers, non teachers without graduate level and non-teachers with graduate level. We classified as non teachers all those servants which occupy positions different from teachers, although it can happen that a server is classified as a teacher although holding a different position and vice-versa. The non teachers with graduate level have instruction level equal or higher than graduation. These classes were selected because they have different characteristics towards retirement rules, income evolution, mortality, admission politics etc. We have also considered different age groups and the two sexes.

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