
Cytauxzoonosis is a tick-borne disease of domestic cats with high mortality and narrow therapeutic window, particularly in the southcentral and southeastern United States. The causative agent is the apicomplexan protozoal parasite Cytauxzoon felis and is primarily transmitted by Amblyomma americanum, the lone star tick. Currently there is no vaccine available to prevent cytauxzoonosis and treatment is often ineffective if not initiated early enough in the course of disease. Early diagnosis and therapeutic intervention are therefore crucial for the survival of infected cats. Several methods are available for diagnosis of cytauxzoonosis, with PCR being the most sensitive. However, current PCR assays, which employ double-stranded DNA intercalating dyes to detect C. felis infection, have inherent limitations such as the potential for false positive detection of non-specific amplification products and inability to provide absolute quantification of parasite load. The objective of this study was to develop a probe-based droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) assay capable of detection and quantification of C. felis load over time and during treatment. The C. felis ddPCR assay was able to (i) reliably detect and quantify C. felis DNA in clinical blood samples from cats with acute cytauxzoonosis and (ii) monitor clinical parasite load in response to anti-protozoal treatment through absolute quantification of C. felis DNA over time. When tested on blood samples from cats with experimental C. felis infection, the assay was able to detect infection in cats as early as 24 h prior to the development of clinical signs. In addition, we demonstrate that this probe-based design can be utilized in traditional real-time PCR systems, with similar detection capabilities as compared to ddPCR. The C. felis probe-based ddPCR was also able to detect infection in samples with lower parasite loads when compared to existing nested PCR assays, although these results were not significant due to small sample size. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first reported probe-based ddPCR assay to detect Cytauxzoon felis infection in domestic cats.

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