
This paper deals with an abundance of material collected in China, which has been studied by many Chinese ostracodologists and published over the past thirty years or more. The present writers make use of the types of more than 500 species of Mesozoic and Cenozoic non-marine and marine Ostracoda which were examined by the scanning electron microscope. From examining several thousand SEM photographs they consider that the pattern of ornamentation may be divided into twelve types, and the ultrastructure of the pores into six types. Summarizing all the types of ornamentation and pore ultrastructure, the writers here put forward some preliminary views. It is suggested that the type of ostracod ornamentation may reflect the relationships between some genera and their evolutionary process, while the type of pore is probably related to the sedimentary facies. The study of both would accumulate more material and evidence leading to a much wider field for future ostracod research.

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