
We consider the numerical solution of linear systems arising from the discretization of the electric field integral equation (EFIE). For some geometries the associated matrix can be poorly conditioned making the use of a preconditioner mandatory to obtain convergence. The electromagnetic scattering problem is here solved by means of a preconditioned GMRES in the context of the multilevel fast multipole method (MLFMM). The novelty of this work is the construction of an approximate hierarchically semiseparable (HSS) representation of the near-field matrix, the part of the matrix capturing interactions among nearby groups in the MLFMM, as preconditioner for the GMRES iterations. As experience shows, the efficiency of an ILU preconditioning for such systems essentially depends on a sufficient fill-in, which apparently sacrifices the sparsity of the near-field matrix. In the light of this experience we propose a multilevel near-field matrix and its corresponding HSS representation as a hierarchical preconditioner in order to substantially reduce the number of iterations in the solution of the resulting system of equations.

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