
The structure of thin films of the polymer hypromellose (HPMC) have been investigated under dry and ambient humidity conditions using polarised attenuated total reflectance (ATR) infrared spectroscopy. In particular spectra were recorded in the C–H and O–H stretching regions for spin coated films deposited on silicon, germanium and zinc selenide internal reflection elements (IREs). A recent development in the field of polarised ATR has demonstrated a simple quantitative relationship between complementary s- and p-polarised spectra of orientationally ordered monolayer films, which yields the spectrum uniquely in the direction perpendicular to the surface, the “z-polarised” spectrum. As well as recording s- and p-polarised spectra this work examines the z-spectra derived from the experimental s- and p-polarisation spectra. For the C–H band all three polarisation spectra reveal no change in the preferred orientation of the transition dipole between humid and dry films on germanium or silicon but with a marginally increased orientation parallel to the surface on zinc selenide. On the other hand the O–H band spectra show an increased orientation of the transition dipole parallel to the surface for both humid and dried films for all three IREs when compared to the corresponding C–H band spectra. This effect was greater in the dried film, i.e. with free water removed, than in the humid film.

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