
AbstractA new algorithm is described that can separate precipitation output from convection‐permitting models into three different types of precipitation: (a) convective, (b) stratiform, and (c) orographically enhanced precipitation. The algorithm is based on physical processes that underlie these types of precipitation and it is applicable over both ocean and land surfaces. It is particularly well suited for mountainous areas or other regions exhibiting complex terrain. The algorithm's performance is first demonstrated for a selection of well‐understood weather events and then for a 10‐year convection‐permitting climate simulation over Norway. The algorithm correctly separates convection embedded in frontal systems from stratiform precipitation and also properly identifies orographically enhanced precipitation when the frontal systems interact with local orography. The results suggest that this can be a powerful new tool for investigating characteristics of precipitation in convection‐permitting climate simulations, particularly in a climate change context and as researchers move towards models that explicitly resolve convection and its related processes.

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