
 Tetempangan Hill is one of the tourism objects in the land of Minahasa which becomes a favorite destination for both local, national and international tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of green hill view and the stretch of blue ocean. This research was conducted using Descriptive qualitative method and the data were collected using questionnaires distributed to respondents. The characteristics of tourists who visited Tatempangan Hill were dominated by male tourists with a percentage of 60 % and the remaining 40 % were female tourists and the tourist characteristics based on age were dominated by the tourists aged 15 to 29 years, followed by tourists aged 30 to 44 years. The tourists’ perceptions based on attraction (attractiveness), accessibility ( transportation), amenities ( facilities) were dominated by positive perceptions except the food and drink kiosks which were negative. The factors that motivated the tourists to visit Tatempangan Hill were ,firstly, to see the natural beauty and secondly , to accompany families and thirdly, to experience physical challenges , fourthly, to have relaxation /rest , fifthly , to enjoy something different and finally, to get closer to nature. It is suggested that the object operator add the menu sold at the food and drink kiosks considering that the tourists get problems with their food and drink needs since the kiosks only sell snacks and cup noodles.


  • Absrak: Tetempangan Hill merupakan destinasi objek wisata yang merupakan salah satu destinasi objek wisata yang ada di tanah Minahasa dimana Destinasi objek wisata tetempangan hill adalah destinasi objek wisata yang menjadi favorit para wisatawan baik lokal, nasional maupun internasional yang ingin menikmati panorama indahnya pemandangan perbukitan yang hijau dan bentangan lautan biru yang indah

  • Tetempangan Hill is one of the tourism objects in the land of Minahasa which becomes a favorite destination for both local, national and international tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of green hill view and the stretch of blue ocean

  • The characteristics of tourists who visited Tetempangan Hill were dominated by male tourists with a percentage of 60 % and the remaining 40 % were female tourists and the tourist characteristics based on age were dominated by the tourists aged 15 to years, followed by tourists aged to 44 years

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Budaya Masyarakat Setempat

Tabel 2 menunjukkan persepsi wisatawan berdasarkan keindahan objek wisata Tetempangan Hill dengan skor tertinggi yakni bobot 144 yang terdiri dari 24 responden menyatakan sangat indah sekali dan 6 responden menyatakan sangat indah diikuti dengan keramahan masyarakat dengan total bobot 119 yang teridiri dari 14 responden menyatakan sangat ramah sekali 11 responden menyatakan sangat ramah dan 5 responden menyatakan cukup ramah sedangkan budaya masyarakat setempat pada posisi terakhir yakni dengan total bobot 107 yang teridiri dari 2 responden menyatakan sangat berbudaya sekali , 13 responden menyatakan sangat berbudaya dan 15 responden menyatakan cukup berbudaya. Persepsi wisatawan berdasarkan accessibity (transportasi) Tabel 3 berikut ini menjelaskan tentang persepsi wisatawan berdasarkan accesable (transportasi)

Wisata Tetempangan Hill
Tempat parkir
Melihat sesuatu yang berbeda
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