
ABSTRACT We have collected and tabulated all available times of minimum for UZ Cyg, VW Cyg, and RX Gem and analyzed them. The period of VW Cyg decreased suddenly around JD 2417400 by APIP = -2.9 X 10- , then remained constant for 1550 cycles, then began increasing steadily. The period of RX Gem decreased suddeuly around JD 2427600 by APIP = - 4.1 X 1() , then began increasing steadily. We have represented the 0-C curve of UZ Cyg with a straight line, that of VW Cyg with two straight lines and a parabola and that of RX Gem with one straight line and a parabola. The last two curves are discussed in the context of the period change model of Biermaun and Hall; comparison of the period decrease with the subsequent rate of increase implies that angular momentum is being stored as rotation faster than turbulence can put it back into the orbit. Key words: eclipsing binaries - times of minimum - period changes - mass exchange

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