
The organization ‘Action for t:he Victims of Medical Accidents’, arose out of a television play called Minor Complications, which was first screened in November, 1980. It portrayed dramatically the true story of a woman who went to hospital to have a m:inor operation-a laparoscopic sterilizationduring which the bowel was damaged. It showed the damage she suffered and her 3-year battle with the medical profession and the legal profession to obtain both an explanation of what happened and compensation. As a result of mail received by the playwright following the screening, he became aware that there was an enormous social problem and proposed the setting up of an organization to help people in this situation. Infection is a classic type of accident dealt with by the organization. When it happens the patient often does not know what has hit him or her. Nobody will explain what has happenled and why. There may be negligence on the part of someone, but it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to prove it, and the results are often disastrous. The vast majority of the general public who enter hospital are blissfully ignorant that risks of infection even exist. The person who has a simple operation and suffers a severe infection is confronted with a situation which he or she had never considered possible. The case history of Mr P is described below in his own words in a letter.

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