
Cultured populations of four penaeid shrimp species (Crustacea, Decapoda) from four separate culture facilities in Asia were found to be adversely affected by a disease of presumed viral etiology. Individual shrimp with the disease displayed nonspecific signs, including poor growth rate, anorexia, reduced preening activity, increased surface fouling, and occasional opacity of tail musculature. These signs were accompanied by mortalities during the juvenile stages, after apparently normal development through the larval and postlarval stages. Accumulative mortality rates in epizootics in Penaeus merguiensis and P. semisulcatus reached as high as 50 to 100%, respectively, of the affected populations within 4 to 8 weeks of disease onset. The principal lesion, common to all four species, was necrosis and atrophy of the hepatopancreas, accompanied by the presence of large prominent basophilic, PAS-negative, Fuelgen-positive intranuclear inclusion bodies in affected hepatopancreatic tubule epithelial cells (hepatopancreatocytes). These inclusion bodies presumably developed from small, eosinophilic, intranuclear bodies that were also present in the affected tissues. Electron microscopy of affected hepatopancreatocytes revealed aggregations of 22- to 24-nm-diameter virus particles within the electron-dense granular inclusion body ground substance. The virus particle size and morphology, the close association of the nucleolus with the developing inclusion body, and the presence of intranuclear bodies within developing inclusion bodies are similar to cytopathological features reported for parvovirus infections in insects and vertebrates. It is suggested that this presumed virus disease of cultured penaeid shrimp be called HPV for Hepatopancreatic Parvo-like Virus disease.

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