
Background: Step by step surgical technique for closure of dehisced conjunctiva in a patient with glaucoma drainage device (GDD). Purpose: To describe a step by step new surgical technique using combined tutoplast, conjunctival autograft and amniotic membrane to close dehisced conjunctiva in a patient with GDD. Case report: Patient with previous history of herpetic kerato uveitis and Baerveldt tube developed dehiscence of conjunctiva over the plate. He had previous surgical interventions on two occasions, which consisted of direct closure of the conjunctiva and conjunctival autograft, with no success. In order to close the persistent defect, he underwent additional surgery in the form of relieving conjunctival incisions, tutoplast, conjunctival autograft and amniotic membrane to ensure closure of defect and healing. Conclusions: Tube/plate erosions are a very challenging problem to manage, especially in eyes that have undergone several surgical interventions. As demonstrated here, tutoplast, conjunctival autograft and amniotic membrane can be used in conjunction, in situations where conjunctival scarring otherwise preclude successful repair.

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