
We have established a novel strategy for introducing exogenous Bcl-2 into neuronal cells that is mediated by Cre/loxP recombination using recombinant adenoviral vectors. An on/off-switching cassette for Bcl-2 (CALNLbcl-2) was designed to express Bcl-2 by recombinase Cre-mediated excisional deletion of a spacer DNA flanked by a pair ofloxP sites. Exogenous Bcl-2 was clearly induced in PC12 cell lines carrying CALNLbcl-2 after infection with recombinant adenovirus producing recombinase Cre (AxCANCre). Dual infection with both AxCANCre and a recombinant adenovirus bearing CALNLbcl-2 showed efficient delivery of exogenous Bcl-2 into a hybrid motoneuronal cell line and primary chicken spinal motoneurons. The delivery of foreign Bcl-2 promoted survival of motoneurons in medium either containing or lacking trophic support. Thus, this strategy for delivery of exogenous Bcl-2 will be useful for studying neuronal death as well as for introducing foreign genes into postmitotic neurons under the control of recombinase Cre.

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