
Mobile means moving and ad hoc means temporary without any fixed infrastructure so mobile ad hoc networks are a kind of temporary networks in which nodes are moving without any fixed infrastructure or centralized administration. MANETs are generating lots of interest due to their dynamic topology and decentralized administration. Due to the diverse applications which use MANETs for wireless roaming it is a current research issue. There are different aspects which are taken for research like routing, synchronization, power consumption, bandwidth considerations etc. This paper concentrates on routing techniques which is the most challenging issue due to the dynamic topology of ad hoc networks. There are different strategies proposed for efficient routing which claimed to provide improved performance. There are different routing protocols proposed for MANETs which makes it quite difficult to determine which protocol is suitable for different network conditions as proposed by their Quality of service offerings. This paper provides an overview of different routing protocols proposed in literature and also provides a comparison between them.

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