
Accurate estimating the state of charge (SOC) can improve battery reliability, safety, and extend battery service life. The existing battery models used for SOC estimation inadequately capture the dynamic characteristics of a battery in a wide temperature over the full SOC range, leading to significant inaccuracies in SOC estimation, especially in low temperature and low SOC. A novel SOC estimation approach is developed based on a fusion of neural network model and equivalent circuit model. Firstly, the weight-SOC-temperature relationship is established by obtaining the weights of the equivalent circuit model and the neural network model offline using the standard deviation weight assignment method. Following that, an online adaptive weight correction approach is implemented to update the weight-SOC-temperature relationship. Finally, a novel multi-algorithm fusion technique is utilized to achieve SOC estimation accuracy within 1%. The results clearly demonstrate that the developed approach achieves twice the accuracy of the existing approach, highlighting its superior effectiveness.

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