
No existing animal model fully recapitulates all features of human prostate cancer. The dog is the only large mammal, besides humans, that commonly develops spontaneous prostate cancer. Canine prostate cancer features many similarities with its human counterpart. We sought to develop a canine model of prostate cancer that would more fully represent the features of human prostate cancer than existing models. The Ace-1 canine prostate cancer cell line was injected transabdominally under transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guidance into the prostates of immunosuppressed, intact, adult male dogs. Tumor progression was monitored by TRUS imaging. Some dogs were subjected to positron emission tomography (PET) for tumor detection. Time of euthanasia was determined based on tumor size, impingement on urethra, and general well-being. Euthanasia was followed by necropsy and histopathology. Ace-1 tumor cells grew robustly in every dog injected. Tumors grew in subcapsular and parenchymal regions of the prostate. Tumor tissue could be identified using PET. Histological findings were similar to those observed in human prostate cancer. Metastases to lungs and lymph nodes were detected, predominantly in dogs with intraprostatic tumors. We have established a minimally invasive dog model of prostate cancer. This model may be valuable for studying prostate cancer progression and distant metastasis.

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