
Tournefortia delicatula J. S. Miller is newly described from cloud forest ridges in the Tumbes province of northwestern Peru. This dis- tinctive species is known only from the type col- lection and differs from other species with which it might be confused in its delicate growth habit with slender twigs and inflorescence branches, and by its filiform calyx lobes, relatively large, funnelform corolla with a slender tube and large lobes, and very short style. genus Tournefortia probably contains more than 150 species that are widely distributed in the tropics. Only a few occur in the Old World: the majority are found in Latin America, with the great- est concentration in the Andean countries of South America. Except for treatment in floras, the most modern treatments available for the South Ameri- can species are those by Johnston (1930, 1935), but neither of his two publications cover the Andean countries. Ellsworth P. Killip prepared a nearly complete manuscript entitled The Andean species of Tournefortia, several versions of which still exist at the Smithsonian Institution, but for some reason this was never completed and published.

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