
Holotype:-Herpetological Collection of the Estaci6n de Biologia Tropical Los Tuxtlas, U.N.A.M., No. 1668 (field no. 83101), an adult female from Cerro Chochobi, elevation 800 m, El Acuyal area, 8 km NW Catemaco, Veracruz, Mexico, 17 April (night) 1983, Gonzalo Perez-Higareda. Paratype. No. 1671 in the same collection (to be deposited in the University of Colorado Museum), from Balzapote, elevation 50 m, Municipality of San Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, 12 Nov. 1983, Marcelo Paxtian. Diagnosis.-Lateral light stripe on scale rows 3 and 4; middorsal light line confined to vertebral scale row; lower third of first scale row mostly light, upper two-thirds uniformly dark, at midbody; light collar complete laterally but interrupted medially; lateral area, between lateral light line and ventral color, all densely pigmented; medial edge of lateral light line also densely pigmented; other areas on dorsum lightly pigmented; 159 ventrals, 56 subcaudals. Description of Holotype (Figs. 1, 2).-Dorsal scale rows 15 throughout body, smooth, lacking apical pits; anal divided; total length 346 mm, tail 69

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