
-A new species of Hyla is described that has large terminal discs on, and basal webbing between, the fingers; it is tentatively placed in the Hyla bistincta species group. Based on the examination of material collected subsequent to the publication of the descriptions of Hyla chryses Adler and Hyla mykter Adler and Dennis, morphological variation in these species is reviewed. Rediagnoses of each species are presented that incorporate new morphological observations and comparisons with other species that have been described more recently. RESUMEN. Se describe una especie nueva que tiene discos terminales de los dedos grandes y membrana basal entre los dedos de la mano; se ubica tentativamente a esta especie en el grupo de Hyla bistincta. Basandose en el examen de ejemplares colectados despues de la publicacion de las descripciones de Hyla chryses Adler y Hyla mykter Adler y Dennis, se revisa la variaci6n de la morfologia en estas especies. Se presentan diagnosis nuevas que incluyen nuevas observaciones sobre la morfologia, y comparaciones con otra especies que han sido descritas mas recientemente. Since Duellman's (1970) major review of the hylid frogs of Mexico and Central America, little information has been published on the majority of these species. In some cases, new information has not been forthcoming because no additional specimens have been collected (e.g., Hyla cembra, Plectrohyla pycnochila). In other cases, additional material that has been collect1 Present Address: Department of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana 70402, USA ince Duellman's (1970) major revi w of the lid frogs of Mexico a d Cent al America, litle information has been publish d on the marity of thes specie . In some cases, new inormation has not been forthcoming because no ditional specimens have been collected (e.g., la cembra, Plectrohyla pycnochila). In other ases, additional m terial that has been collectPresent Address: Department of Biological Scices, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, ed only recently has been examined critically (e.g., Toal, 1994). While examining specimens for our recent work on the systematics of the H. bistincta group (Toal, 1994; Toal and Mendelson, 1995), we discovered series of specimens referable to the poorly known species H. chryses Adler and H. mykter Adler and Dennis from Guerrero, Mexico, and a unique specimen from Oaxaca, Mexico, that we describe herein as a new species. MATERIALS AND METHODS All terminology and measurements follow those of Duellman (1970); measurements were 326 This content downloaded from on Thu, 29 Sep 2016 06:05:04 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms HYLA OF THE SIERRA MADRE DEL SUR, MEXICO FIG. 1. Lateral aspect of the head of Hyla labedactyla, adult female holotype, CAS 142596, SVL 44.7

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