
The fossil brachiopods of the Caribbean region are reasonably well known following publication of Cooper's (1979) monograph; however, the Jamaican fauna was not considered in this volume. Until recently, only Trechmann (1927, 1930) had described and figured fossil brachiopods from the island. Harper (1993; Harper and Donovan, 1990) has recently revised Trechmann's identifications and added to the still small faunal list, which includes two Cretaceous and 11 Cenozoic species (excluding those discussed below). Further specimens continue to be found and the present communication is a description of a significant collection of small terebratellaceans from the top of the Paleocene to Eocene Richmond Formation of eastern Jamaica. One of the two species described herein was originally recognized on the basis of three brachial valves asArgyrothecasp. 1 in Harper (1993). The availability of superior material has confirmed the uniqueness of this species and has permitted adequate description and diagnosis. All specimens described herein are deposited in the James Mitchell Museum of University College, Galway (JMM), and the British Museum (Natural History), London (BMNH).

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