
A theory is described which produces continuous creation by adapting that of Brans-Dicke. The universe is seen to be created out of the zero point energy field by self-contained gravitational, scalar, and matter fields. The theory is conformally equivalent to General Relativity in vacuo.Both the Jordan and the Einstein frames are physical and they conserve energy and four-momentum respectively. The conformal equivalence has the consequence that predictions of the theory in solar system experiments are identical with General Relativity, but definitive experiments exist which distinguish between the two theories. The cosmological solution yields a linear expansion with a dynamical density parameter Omega of $$\tfrac{1}{3}$$ anda cold matter density parameter of $$\tfrac{2}{9}$$ , but the universe is closed. The theory is free of the horizon, smoothness and density problems of GR and therefore does not need Inflation. It does however require an exotic equation of state with negative pressure and it is suggested that this is provided by a false vacuum or zero point energy determined, and there forelimited by, its field equations thereby overcoming the ‘lambda problem’.

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