
Early equine blastocysts and blastocysts were collected nonsurgically at six days post-ovulation. Thirty-two embryos were randomly assigned to a 2×2 factorial design. Factors were: 1) 0.5-ml straws or 1-ml glass ampules; and 2) plunging into liquid nitrogen (IN 2) at −33 C or −38 C. Cryoprotectant, 10% glycerol in PBS plus 5% fetal calf serum (FCS) was added in two steps, 5% then 10%. Embryos were cooled at 4 C/min to −6 C and then seeded, 0.3 C/min to −30 or −35 C and 0.1 C/min to −33 or −38 C. Samples were thawed in 37 C water and glycerol removed in six steps, 10 min per step. Embryo quality and stage of development were evaluated prior to freezing, immediately post-thaw and after 24 h culture in Ham's F10 with 5% FCS. The mean post-thaw quality of embryos plunged at −33 C was superior (P<0.05) to that of embryos plunged at −38 C (2.0 vs 2.9). Embryos frozen in ampules and plunged at −38 C were of poorer quality (P<0.05) than those frozen in ampules and plunged at −33 C or frozen in straws and plunged at −33 C. After 24 h of culture, more embryos developed if frozen in straws compared to ampules, and plunging at −33 C resulted in higher quality embryos than plunging at −38 C. In Experiment 2, 23 embryos were packaged in straws and plunged at −33 C as described in Experiment 1. Six of the 23 surgically transferred frozen embryos were degenerate at thawing and the remaining 17 surgically transferred were via flank incision. Pregnancy rate at 50 days post-ovulation was 53% (nine of 17). Early blastocysts resulted in a higher (P<0.05) pregnancy rate ( 8 10 , 80%) than expanded blastocysts ( 1 7 , 14%).

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