
Cirrophanus Dyari, n. sp. — ♀. Expanse 34 millim. General colour and markings just as in C. triangulifer, Grote, except as regards the following particulars: The general colour is more ochreous — not so orange; the t. p. line curves inwards to a point not far from the middle of the wing, whence it rapidly bends outwards for a short distance, after which it again bends downwards and inwards to the inferior margin; the s. t. line is further from the margin, and deeply shaded about the middle with ochreous; the oblique dark line from the lower part of the t. p. line to the costa is distinct, and has a sharp zigzag near its middle. It results from the direction of the t. p. line that the light patch at the anal angle is more extensive than in C. triangulifer, but it is broken by a dark shade representing the lower part of the s. t. line. Hind wings strongly suffused with gray, with a curved gray line crossing the middle. Thoracic tufts deep brownish-orange. On the under side the primaries, except their margins, are strongly shaded with blackish.

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