
The phylum Myxozoa is composed of endoparasitic species that have predominately been recorded within aquatic vertebrates. The simple body form of a trophic cell containing other cells within it, as observed within these hosts, has provided few clues to relationships with other organisms. In addition, the placement of the group using molecular phylogenies has proved very difficult, although the majority of analyses now suggest that they are cnidarians. There have been relatively few studies of myxozoan stages within invertebrate hosts, even though these exhibit multicellular and sexual stages that may provide clues to myxozoan evolution. Therefore an ultrastructural examination of a myxozoan infection of a freshwater oligochaete was conducted, to reassess and formulate a model for myxozoan development in these hosts. This deemed that meiosis occurs within the oligochaete, but that fertilisation is not immediate. Rather, the resultant haploid germ cell (oocyte) is engulfed by a diploid sporogonic cell (nurse cell) to form a sporoplasm. It is this sporoplasm that infects the fish, resulting in the multicellular stages observed. Fertilisation occurs after the parasites leave the fish and enter the oligochaete host. The nurse cell/oocyte model explains previously conflicting evidence in the literature regarding myxosporean biology, and aligns phenomena considered distinctive to the Myxozoa, such as endogenous budding and cell within cell development, with processes recorded in cnidarians. Finally, the evolutionary origin of the Myxozoa as cnidarian parasites of ova is hypothesised.

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