
The synthesis of reversible circuits is a challenge on which many studies have been conducted. Different algorithms attempt to propose a more optimal implementation for each description of a reversible circuit, using reversible gates. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed which, by a heuristic method using a Simulated Annealing algorithm, tries to find a near-optimal circuit to the given truth table. Unlike previous methods, this method does not necessarily require a correct initial circuit to improve it. It can start from a correct circuit or a near-correct circuit or even from an empty circuit, and tries to get a circuit that is better than the initial circuit. It can also achieve different circuits in different runs that are better than the initial circuit. Finally, from the various circuits that this algorithm has produced in different runs, the best is selected as the final circuit. The proposed algorithm also tries to produce a circuit as simple as possible with respect to don’t-care combinations. Also, the current algorithm does not depend on the type of gates. Any library, including arbitrary reversible gates, can be used in this method.

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