
A new hemoglobin beta chain variant referred to as Hb-E is observed in four Indian sheep breeds. Hemoglobin E is electrophoretically and chromatographically undistinguishable from hemoglobin B. However, polypeptide chain separation by urea-polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis and urea CM-cellulose chromatography reveals the new beta chain. The betaE chain has a slower anodic mobility than betaB chain at alkaline pH. The adult sheep hemoglobins could be classified into eight categories, namely AA, AB, AE, AC, ABC, BB, BE and EE, according to their sub-unit composition. The occurrence of betaE chain in homozygous condition or in combination with either one of the two allelic beta chains betaA or betaB, indicate that it may be an allelic variant. Gene frequencies of three hemoglobin beta chain alleles observed during the study are as follows: A = 0.192; B= 0.682; E = 0.126.

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