
We developed a new classification system for branch perfusion patterns in acute aortic dissection and used it to retrospectively evaluate the perfusion status of whole aortic branches and to examine the effects of central aortic repair. Thirty-four consecutive patients with acute type A aortic dissection underwent emergent surgery at our institution between August 2008 and December 2011. A retrospective review of pre- and postoperative computed tomographic angiography was performed. Branch perfusion patterns were categorized into three classes: Class I, dissection involving but not extending into the branch; Class II, dissection extending into the branch and Class III, dissection causing ostial avulsion. In cervical branches (total 169 branches), 70 branches (41%) presented with Class I patterns, 58 (34%) with Class II and none with Class III. In abdominal branches (total 135 branches), 76 branches (56%) presented with Class I patterns, 12 (9%) with Class II and 18 (13%) with Class III. In common iliac arteries (total 68 arteries), 14 arteries (21%) presented with Class I patterns, 24 (35%) with Class II and none with Class III. After repair, among 21 high-risk cervical branches, 14 branches (67%) showed improvement, 3 (14%) preserved distal perfusion supplied through the patent branch false lumen and 4 (19%) showed no improvement in high-risk perfusion pattern or worsened. Among 22 high-risk abdominal branches, 18 branches (82%) showed improvement, 3 (14%) preserved distal perfusion supplied through the patent branch or aortic false lumen and 1 (5%) showed no improvement in high-risk perfusion pattern. To overcome malperfusion syndromes associated with acute aortic dissection, recognition of diverse branch perfusion patterns through a universal classification system is imperative.

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