
We have previously described the isolation of several genes expressed exclusively in the nervous system of adult Xenopus laevis and activated in the embryo shortly after neural induction. The sequence of one of these cDNAs, 24-15, identifies the corresponding protein as an isotype of the beta subunit of Na+,K(+)-ATPase [ATP phosphohydrolase (Na+/K(+)-transporting); EC]. This form is distinct from the previously described beta 1 subunit of Xenopus, and the protein sequence comparison suggests that it is not the frog homolog of the mammalian beta 2 subunit; therefore, we refer to the 24-15 protein as the beta 3 subunit of Na+,K(+)-ATPase of Xenopus. Antisera directed against beta 3-subunit fusion protein detected a protein in adult brain extracts with the size and properties expected for a Na+,K(+)-ATPase beta subunit. In Xenopus the beta 1 and beta 3 subunits are expressed as maternal mRNAs at similar levels; during embryogenesis rapid accumulation of beta 3 mRNA begins at stage 14 (early neurula), and the rapid accumulation of beta 1 mRNA begins at stage 23/24. In situ hybridization of antisense RNA probes to tadpole brain sections indicates that beta 3 subunit is expressed throughout the developing brain. We suggest that beta 3 is a major Na+,K(+)-ATPase beta subunit present during early nervous system development in the frog.

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