
Most conventional target tracking algorithms assume that a target can generate at most one measurement per scan. However, there are tracking problems where this assumption is not valid. For example, multiple detections from a target in a scan can arise due to multipath propagation effects as in the over-the-horizon radar (OTHR). A conventional multitarget tracking algorithm will fail in these scenarios, since it cannot handle multiple target-originated measurements per scan. The Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter (JPDAF) uses multiple measurements from a single target per scan through a weighted measurement-to-track association. However, its fundamental assumption is still one-to-one. In order to rectify this shortcoming, this paper proposes a new algorithm, called the Multiple-Detection Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter (MD-JPDAF) for multitarget tracking, which is capable of handling multiple detections from targets per scan in the presence of clutter and missed detection. The multiple-detection pattern, which can account for many-to-one measurement set-to-track association rather than one-to-one measurement-to-track association, is used to generate multiple detection association events. The proposed algorithm exploits all the available information from measurements by combinatorial association of events that are formed to handle the possibility of multiple measurements per scan originating from a target. The MD-JPDAF is applied to a multitarget tracking scenario with an OTHR, where multiple detections occur due to different propagation paths as a result of scattering from different ionospheric layers. Experimental results show that multiple-detection pattern based probabilistic data association improves the state estimation accuracy. Furthermore, the tracking performance of the proposed filter is compared against the Posterior Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (PCRLB), which is explicitly derived for the multiple-detection scenario with a single target.

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