
Publisher Summary This chapter presents a multidimensional evaluation of adolescent drug abusers. It presents preliminary results of a longitudinal study. The objective is to obtain a better understanding of addictive behavior during adolescence, to draw individual profiles in different areas, and to evaluate life trajectories. Several evaluation instruments were included in the protocol in order to achieve the objectives. (a) The MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview): an interview schedule, which gives a psychiatric diagnosis in different areas. In this research project only diagnoses referring to drug and alcohol abuse and dependence were investigated. A life events inventory (SUPEA), an evaluation covering major life events on a lifetime scale. Questions were asked in an interview that made it possible to control information and get details on when the event happened and how many times it happened. (c) The adolescent drug abuse diagnosis, which provides a comprehensive evaluation of the subjects and enables measurement of their evolution over time. The SUPEA research team developed a French version of the instrument in agreement and with the collaboration of Alfred Friedman, the instrument's author. It was adapted from the Addiction Severity Index (ASI), an investigation instrument that was developed for adults.

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