
In this paper, we describe a front-end ASIC for the readout of multi-elements Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) specifically designed for high count-rate X-ray spectroscopy applications. In particular, the focus of this design is on the maximization of the event throughput and, at the same time, keeping a high energy resolution. The readout of a detector array by means of 8 separate channels allows increasing the maximum count-rate of the system. The use of one or more of these front-end ASICs allows the management of several readout channels required by a multi-SDD detector within a very compact detection system, as well as maintaining excellent noise performance. The use of a very-fast high-order processing filter and of an efficient pile-up rejection strategy allows minimizing the pile-up probability and maximizing the event throughput of the single channels for a given processing time. The use of a 3-phase peak-stretcher, together with a fast output multiplexer, permits to minimize the dead-time during the valid-data acquisition, practically to a value limited by the pure overlap of the shaped pulses. The ASIC is designed with the possibility of operating with the input JFET integrated on the detector itself as well as to operate in combination with an external preamplifier. The measured noise-contribution added by the front-end ASIC is only 2.9 electrons at 1.8 μs shaping time and just 4.1 electrons at the shortest 600 ns peaking time, exploiting at best the speed capability. In X-ray spectroscopy measurements, the ASIC connected to an SDD coupled to a CMOS preamplifier has allowed to achieve an energy resolution of 126 eV at 1.5 μs peaking time and 115 kcps/channel input rate, and 144 eV at 600 ns peaking time and 800 kcps/channel input rate.

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