
Mössbauer studies of isolated 57Fe atoms in solid ammonia (0.1% Fe) at low temperatures suggest the formation of a FeNH3 molecule characterized by a quadrupole coupling constant ‖e2qQ/2‖=1.90 (5) mm ⋅s−1 and isomer shift δ=+0.60 (5) mn ⋅s−1 with respect to iron metal. Irradiating with a visible-UV Xe-source results in photolyzed species revealing two doublets, with hyperfine constants different from the parent molecule. To the more intense site we assign a FeNH2 formulation and to the low intensity doublet, a FeNH molecule. Both isomer shift and quadrupole splitting systematics are consistent with a single ammonia molecule bound to iron via the nitrogen atom. Absorbers prepared with higher concentrations of 57Fe (0.6%) show additional lines superimposed on the typical FeNH3 doublet.

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