
Present communication deals with seedling morphology and taxonomy of Parthenium hysterophorus L., a well-known exotic weed from Varanasi region, Uttar Pradesh, India. Seedling morphology is observed for 44 days up to 5th true leaf stage. Seedling morphology showed that seed germination is epigeal, the seedlings are macranga type and phanerocotylar. The seed leaves are isocotylar, opposite and persist up to 6th true leaf stage, obovate, entire, green, smooth with less distinct veins. The first true leaf was ovate, entire, dark green, hairy, veination unicostate reticulate. Subsequent leaves were same as first true leaf, but margin denate at 2nd or 3rd true leaf stage. Fourth or 5th true leaves were peltate with lyrate margin and oblique base.

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