
Restriction endonuclease fragment length variations (RFLV) on mouse chromosome 10 were detected in four genes, namely, the Myb protooncogene (Myb) and the genes for S100 beta protein (S100b), phenylalanine hydroxylase (Pah), and interferon-gamma (Ifg). RFLV were found in restriction patterns generated with BamHI for Myb, in those generated with BglII for S100b, in those generated with EcoRV for Pah, and in those generated with TaqI for Ifg. A multipoint backcross was carried out by the mating (129/Sv-Sl/+ x MOL-MIT)F1 x 129/SvJ(-)+/+. The Sl mutation has phenotypic effects which include deficiencies in pigment cells, germ cells, and blood cells. The following order of genes was derived from the results of the multipoint backcross, with distances between genes in parentheses: centromere--Myb--(34.9 cM)--S100b--(8.5 cM)--Pah--(8.5 cM)--Sl--(12.3 cM)--Ifg--telomere. Most laboratory strains and two strains of Mus musculus domesticus of wild origin carry the Myba, S100a, Paha, and Ifga alleles. In contrast, a strain of M. m. musculus, two strains of M. m. yamashinai, and two strains of M. m. molossinus carry the Mybb, S100b, Pahb, and Ifgb alleles. Other strains of wild origin carry various combinations of these alleles.

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