
Diamond, with its low atomic number and high thermal conductivity, is being assessed as a possible plasma facing material within a fusion reactor. Molecular dynamics simulations using the AIREBO potential were performed simulating the exposure of diamond to a plasma in conditions similar to those of the divertor region of a tokamak. Diamond surfaces at temperatures of 300 and 600K were bombarded with 15eV tritium at a high flux (1029ionsm−2s−1). A layer-by-layer etching process was observed which, with the lack of any tritium diffusion though the remaining diamond structure, was responsible for limiting damage, and thus tritium retention, to the top 4–5 diamond layers. Analysis of this damaged region also showed a large amount of residual structure suggesting that bombardment below the physical sputtering threshold (∼30eV) may not lead to amorphisation of the surface.

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