
A method is described for preparing homogenates of insects, mites, nematodes, or fungal spores for electrophoretic analysis which overcomes the disadvantages of existing methods. It is also applicable to the homogenization of microsamples of animal tissue. The method involves grinding the samples in glass tubes, closed at one end, prepared from melting-point capillaries. A range of plungers is fabricated from the stainless-steel plungers from broken microsyringes, or from stainless-steel wire. The plunger is operated by hand to homogenize a sample in 2–20 μl of buffer in a tube. The techniques for handling the samples before and after homogenization and for labeling and centrifuging them are described. Compared with existing methods, the procedure minimizes sample loss and risk of cross-contamination and eliminates the possibility of overheating the sample during homogenization.

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