
A compact thin film-based multilayered YSZ oxygen sensor, configured as (RE)Pt|Cu,Cu2O|YSZ|O2,ITO(WE) with Cu-Cu2O as reference (RE) and ITO as the working electrode (WE) on (100) SrTiO3 substrate is realized and its performance is demonstrated. The sensor with ITO WE operates at temperatures as low as 623 K in contrast to 923 K for Pt-based oxygen sensors. The sensor responds to 10 to 824 ppm of oxygen in inert streams with a sensitivity of +40.0 and +44.8 mV/decade at 623 and 648 K without suffering any baseline drifts. Secondary ion mass spectrometry reveals a sharp ITO/YSZ interface. A high exchange current density of 10−3 A cm−2 is observed for the ITO/YSZ interface at 973 K which decreases only by an order to 10−4 A cm−2 at 523 K for a 450 K drop in temperature whereas it drops by four order from 10−5 to 10−9 A cm−2 for Pt/YSZ interface for the temperature interval of 973 to 623 K. The solubility of ITO in cubic zirconia gave rise to lower interfacial resistance and the enhanced chemisorption properties of ITO favoured a low-temperature operation. Below 723 K, the Pt/YSZ interface shows an anodic overpotential due to the formation of the platinum oxide layers causing non-Nerstain behaviour.

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