
Activation of the Ras/MAPK signaling cascade is essential for growth factor–induced cell proliferation and differentiation. In this report, we describe the purification, cloning, and characterization of a novel protein, designated FRS2, that is tyrosine phosphorylated and binds to Grb2/Sos in response to FGF or NGF stimulation. We find that FRS2 is myristylated and that this modification is essential for membrane localization, tyrosine phosphorylation, Grb2/Sos recruitment, and MAPK activation. FRS2 functions as a lipid-anchored docking protein that targets signaling molecules to the plasma membrane in response to FGF stimulation to link receptor activation with the MAPK and other signaling pathways essential for cell growth and differentiation. Finally, we demonstrate that FRS2 is closely related and probably indentical to SNT, the long-sought target of FGF and NGF receptors.

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