
Semarang has various types of business. One of them is Batik Hatta Boutique, a small and medium business under the guidance of the Bank of Central Java that deals specifically in the world of batik art. This business develops and maintains its existence by participating in various exhibitions in several shopping centers as a media product promotion. To minimize losses, it needs accurate calculation in making decision of determining the location of establishment. It is reviewed by rental cost, location, layout, profit, and security. However, that calculation is still manual so it is inefficient and susceptible to error. Therefore, Decision Support System (DSS) is made to help in getting recommended location of best establishment at the Butik Batik Hatta. The method used in this research is the HYBRID MCDM AHP-TOPSIS Method. Validation process of this research has been done by using comparison of actual data and its result is 0.90 in the Sparman Correlation Coefficient. The conclusion is that the AHP-TOPSIS HYBRID MCDM method can be used in determining the location of establishment stand at the Batik Hatta Boutique.

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