
Source size broadening is an important resolution limiting effect in modern STEM experiments. Here, we propose an alternative method to measure the source size broadening making use of a holographic biprism to create interference patterns in an 'empty' Ronchigram. This allows us to measure the exact shape of the source size broadening with a much better sampling than previously possible. We find that the shape of the demagnified source deviates considerably from a Gaussian profile that is often assumed. We fit the profile with a linear combination of a Gaussian and a bivariate Cauchy distribution showing that even though the full width at half maximum is similar to previously reported measurements, the tails of the profile are considerable wider. This is of fundamental importance for quantitative comparison of STEM simulations with experiments as these tails make the image contrast dependent on the interatomic distance, an effect that cannot be reproduced by a single Gaussian profile of fixed width alone.

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