
We present results from a cryptotephra investigation performed at a high resolution (0.5 cm) on sediments from Körslättamossen in southernmost Sweden. Six peak concentration levels were detected and extracted for geochemical analysis by electron probe microanalyser. Five of these levels were successfully analysed and we propose correlations to the Hässeldalen Tephra, the Vedde Ash, and the Laacher See Tephra (adding new analysis results for the first geochemically confirmed finding of the latter in Sweden), as well as an undetermined Borrobol-type tephra. The tephra identifications were combined with radiocarbon dated macrofossils in order to create an age model for the sampled sediments based on Bayesian methods. Stratigraphical and chronological results were found to concur with a previous study of the site and our results form the basis for discussion concerning the issues surrounding Lateglacial Borrobol-type tephras, of which we suggest further review in order to unlock these tephras’ full potential for Quaternary studies. • 5 cryptotephras detected in sediments from the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition. • New geochemical data of the first confirmed Laacher See Tephra finding in Sweden. • Undetermined Borrobol-type tephra highlights the Borrobol–Penifiler tephra complex.

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