
Extending the atmospheric model top to high altitude is important for simulation of upper atmospheric phenomena, such as the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation. The high-top version of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Atmospheric General Circulation Model with 91 vertical layers (IAP-AGCML91) extends to the mesopause at about 0.01 hPa (~80 km). The high-top model with a fully resolved stratosphere is found to simulate a warmer stratosphere than the low-top version, except near the South Pole, thus reducing its overall cold bias in the stratosphere, and significantly in the upper stratosphere. This sensitivity is shown to be consistent with two separate mechanisms: larger shortwave heating and larger poleward stratospheric meridional eddy heat flux in the high-top model than in the low-top model. Results indicate a significant influence of vertical resolution and model top on climate simulations in IAP-AGCM.摘要提高大气环流模式的模式顶层高度对中高层大气 (如平流层准两年振荡) 的准确模拟至关重要. 本研究将IAP大气环流模型 (IAP-AGCM) 延伸至中层大气顶 (~0.01 hPa, ~80 km) 并提高垂直方向分辨率 (91层) , 发展了一个中高层大气环流模型 (IAP-AGCML91) . 结果表明, 与低层模式相比, 该中高层大气模式在整体上显著减小了平流层尤其是上平流层的冷偏差.研究发现这种改善与两种机制有关:与低层模式相比, 高层模式模拟的短波加热更大, 极区平流层附近的经向涡动热通量更大.上述结果表明, 垂直分辨率和模式顶层高度对IAP-AGCML91的气候模拟有重要影响.

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