
Transportation of a product from multi-source to multi-destination with minimal total transportation cost plays an important role in logistics and supply chain management. Researchers have given considerable attention in minimizing this cost with fixed supply and demand quantities. However, these quantities may vary within a certain range in a period due to the variation of the global economy. So, the concerned parties might be more interested in finding the lower and the upper bounds of the minimal total costs with varying supplies and demands within their respective ranges for proper decision making. This type of transportation problem has received attention of only one researcher, who formulated the problem and solved it by LINGO. We demonstrate that this method fails to obtain the correct upper bound solution always. Then we extend this model to include the inventory costs during transportation and at destinations, as they are interrelated factors. The number of choices of supplies and demands within their respective ranges increases enormously as the number of suppliers and buyers increases. In such a situation, although the lower bound solution can be obtained methodologically, determination of the upper bound solution becomes an NP hard problem. Here we carry out theoretical analyses on developing the lower and the upper bound heuristic solution techniques to the extended model. A comparative study on solutions of small size numerical problems shows promising performance of the current upper bound technique. Another comparative study on results of numerical problems demonstrates the effect of inclusion of the inventory costs.

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