
AbstractIn recent years, the debate over the most effective means to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere has endorsed multiple approaches and a variety of technologies. Assuring secure storage of anthropogenic carbon dioxide is one of our most pressing global scientific challenges that may contribute to achieving a stable solution over the next several decades. Geological sequestration by injection into deep-sea basalt formations provides unique and significant advantages over other potential storage options, including: (a) vast reservoir capacities with high porosity and permeability, sufficient to accommodate centuries-long U.S. production of fossil fuel CO~2~ at locations within a few hundreds of kilometers of populated areas; (b) chemical reactivity of CO~2~ with basalt and in situ fluids to produce stable, non-toxic carbonates; and (c) significant risk reduction for post-injection leakage by geological, gravitational, and mineral trapping mechanisms. We compare independent trapping mechanisms available in deep-sea basalts to those in saline aquifers, which have also been proposed as potential storage environments for anthropogenic carbon dioxide. We suggest that deep-sea basalts offer significant advantages over saline aquifers, in terms of reduced risk of post-injection leakage and storage capacity. Using a global site assessment strategy to highlight the most secure oceanic basalt sites that provide all trapping mechanisms, we initially identify potential target regions that occur in deep-sea basalt and calculate the potential injection volume for each. The largest volumes and most secure basalt sites occur in regions adjacent to intermediate- to fast-spreading seismic ridges as well as deep aseismic ridges. We then use site-specific criteria, such as abundance of ODP and IODP drill sites with basement penetration, permeability and/or porosity data, to refine volume calculations and to prioritize these target regions as promising locations to securely accommodate carbon dioxide injection. Pilot injection studies in deep-sea basalts are necessary to establish the viability of these reservoirs for future CO~2~ sequestration. We suggest that basaltic crust at deep ocean sites offers vast capacity and potential for permanent sequestration of carbon dioxide to mitigate atmospheric build-up of this greenhouse gas.


  • Site Assessment Strategy - Identify deep-sea basalt sites that provide all trapping mechanisms. 1. ≥ 200 meters of sediment cover provides physical trapping (from Divins, 2007). 2. ≥ 2700 meters of water depth provides gravitational trapping (from the Marine Geoscience Data System, http://www.marine-geo.org; Smith & Sandwell, 1997)

  • Site Assessment Strategy - Identify deep-sea basalt sites that provide all trapping mechanisms. 1. ≥ 200 meters of sediment cover provides physical trapping. 2. ≥ 2700 meters of water depth provides gravitational trapping

  • The red hatched area represents water depths ≥ 2700 m and sediment thickness ≥ 200 m, excluding 20 km distance from seamounts and plate boundaries (Goldberg et al, 2008; Goldberg and Slagle, 2008).The outer boundaries are constrained within 15-my crust, beyond which > 50% of intergranular-scale pore space is filled by crustal alteration (Jarrard et al, 2003)

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Site Assessment Strategy - Identify deep-sea basalt sites that provide all trapping mechanisms. 1. ≥ 200 meters of sediment cover provides physical trapping (from Divins, 2007). 2. ≥ 2700 meters of water depth provides gravitational trapping (from the Marine Geoscience Data System, http://www.marine-geo.org; Smith & Sandwell, 1997). Benefits of Deep-Sea Geological Sequestration in Basalt Safe and secure long-term CO2 sequestration: Hierarchy of multiple trapping mechanisms

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