
The 19 amino acid carboxyl terminus fragment of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). VIP(10–28), inhibits [ 125I]VIP binding in intact HT29 colonic adenocarcinoma cells and in membranes from these cells. However, VIP(10–28) alone has no effect on adenylate cyclase activity (membranes) or cyclic AMP synthesis (intact cells) in HT29 cells although VIP receptor agonists are markedly stimulatory. The indicated antagonist character of VIP(10–28) was confirmed by rightward parallel shifts of VIP dose response curves in the presence of VIP(10–28) in adenylate cyclase and cyclic AMP synthesis experiments. The equilibrium dissociation constant values for VIP(10–28) from these experiments agree with values from inhibition binding studies. The lack of effect of VIP(10–28) on forskolin dose response curves in HT29 adenylate cyclase assays indicates the specificity of the VIP(10–28) antagonism, thus suggesting that VIP(10–28) may be a useful tool in studying VIP receptor regulation and other aspects of the mechanisms of VIP action. The potential regulatory role of a proteolytically generated fragment of VIP acting antagonistically at VIP receptors is discussed.

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