
This article is a study of the themes and issues concerning the annotation of digital contents, such as textual documents, images, and multimedia documents in general. These digital contents are automatically managed by different kinds of digital library management systems and more generally by different kinds of information management systems. Even though this topic has already been partially studied by other researchers, the previous research work on annotations has left many open issues. These issues concern the lack of clarity about what an annotation is, what its features are, and how it is used. These issues are mainly due to the fact that models and systems for annotations have only been developed for specific purposes. As a result, there is only a fragmentary picture of the annotation and its management, and this is tied to specific contexts of use and lacks-general validity. The aim of the article is to provide a unified and integrated picture of the annotation, ranging from defining what an annotation is to providing a formal model. The key ideas of the model are: the distinction between the meaning and the sign of the annotation, which represent the semantics and the materialization of an annotation, respectively; the clear formalization of the temporal dimension involved with annotations; and the introduction of a distributed hypertext between digital contents and annotations. Therefore, the proposed formal model captures both syntactic and semantic aspects of the annotations. Furthermore, it is built on previously existing models and may be seen as an extension of them.

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