
Abstract A study of six wetlands of the Bolivian Cloud Forest was undertaken from 1994 to 1997. Seventy-five species, in 29 families and 49 genera, were identified as being associated with wetland habitats in the Bolivian Cloud Forest. The flora was composed of a mixture of fairly common, ruderal species and of species typical of high Andean (alpine/Puna) aquatic systems. In contrast to the terrestrial flora of cloud forest habitats, these wetlands were found to contain few endemic or rare species. At the site level, it appeared that the wetlands could be characterized as species-poor relative to wetlands in most other Bolivian regions; however, this determination was confounded by a disproportionate number of ponds (a characteristically species-poor wetland type) among the cloud forest study sites. Floristic similarities (Sorensen's Index) between cloud forest study sites were relatively low; nevertheless, these systems were closely grouped in an ordination by Detrended Correspondence Analysis of 46 wetl...

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