
How cells control the numbers of subcellular components is a fundamental question in biology. Given that biosynthetic processes are fundamentally stochastic it is utterly puzzling that some structures display no copy number variation within a cell population. Centriole biogenesis, with each centriole being duplicated once and only once per cell cycle, stands out due to its remarkable fidelity. This is a highly controlled process, which depends on low-abundance rate-limiting factors. How can exactly one centriole copy be produced given the variation in the concentration of these key factors? Hitherto, tentative explanations of this control evoked lateral inhibition- or phase separation-like mechanisms emerging from the dynamics of these rate-limiting factors but how strict centriole number is regulated remains unsolved. Here, a novel solution to centriole copy number control is proposed based on the assembly of a centriolar scaffold, the cartwheel. We assume that cartwheel building blocks accumulate around the mother centriole at supercritical concentrations, sufficient to assemble one or more cartwheels. Our key postulate is that once the first cartwheel is formed it continues to elongate by stacking the intermediate building blocks that would otherwise form supernumerary cartwheels. Using stochastic models and simulations, we show that this mechanism may ensure formation of one and only one cartwheel robustly over a wide range of parameter values. By comparison to alternative models, we conclude that the distinctive signatures of this novel mechanism are an increasing assembly time with cartwheel numbers and the translation of stochasticity in building block concentrations into variation in cartwheel numbers or length.

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